Friday, January 7, 2011

Hyperlink Task

ok bear with me...what if there was only a cyber world in which we were run by the internet?? The internet alone was our governmenting system and because of its vastness it could constantly watch us and monitor what we say and do? Because the internet had become smart enough from the information we provided it in the first place, it eventually developed its on views and control on perfecting the human race? What would we do!!??? AHH!

Hyperlink Task

What if there was a world where there were no bullies and everything was always perfect? No one decieted or betrayed others because people didn't know how to. People did not know how to lie because it had never been discovered. Everything was just serious, true, and perfect, but then someone, one person discovers how to lie. Someone figures out and decides not to thell the truth. What would happen? Is deceit always inevitable?