Monday, May 2, 2011

Reading Log


  • WHAT did this book say about YOUR big question?
  • HOW did reading this book help you come to a better understanding of your big question?
  • Would you recommend this book?  Why or why not?
   The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
    Flawed Dogs by Berkeley Breathed

               The Book Thief reviled that stereotypes do not depict friendships and relationships. In the novel a family houses a Jew during WWII. The relationship that forms between the little girl and her Jewish friend, Max is remarkable and the risks the family takes in saving Max's life is so generous.       
               This book helped me understand the questions by being able to witness the cruelty and unjustness against the stereotype of being Jewish. Max went through so much cruelty just for an aspect of him that would seem so insignificant compared to what he faced and to be able to witness at least a little kindness from the a German family was really touching.
              I would recommend this book because its a really inspiring book told through a unique perspective. 

              The book Flawed Dogs revealed that even through differences and abnormalities love in indestructible. Even through the hardships that Sam the dog goes through in loosing his leg his human Heidi still loves him for who he is; so much so, that she is willing to give up a first place position in a dog show to be with Sam.
             This book helped me understand that stereotypes although they are present do not affect true relationships. That even the cruelest stereotypes do not change the love between close individuals.
           I would definitely recommend this book because although it is an easy read the message is still very strong and touching. 
           Both of these novels relate to my question of can stereotypes affect relationships by portraying perfect examples of when generalizations can occur and the friendships that can withstand them. We all have experienced any number of stereotypes before that can range all across the spectrum of judgements, yet it's all about how the individual copes with these judgements and how he or she perceives them on others.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Short Story!

        Blue Tailed Lizards
The boy walked, his feet aching with blisters and burns from the razor sharp sand. Still, he walked onwards, in hopes of discovering something he could be proud of; something he could be proud of having his kingdom support.
    He collapsed, he had to rest. He sat, rubbing his feet and turned on his side to rest in the sun. Breaths short, he heard his name, Adli... ringing in his head. He screamed! Lost. Alone. It was not fair, what was he supposed to do? Go back to the corruption of his civilization? He could not. He had to find something better in the world. Adli had to start over and run his own life, one that he could control without the approval of supervisors.
    His kingdom was falling apart. Citizens were in turmoil and poverty was around every corner. What was he supposed to do? He was still underage, and since the recent passing of his parents, he had no choice but to fall under the rule of his supervisors. His world that he knew was perfect, profit was pouring into his kingdom, and everyone seemed happy and prosperous. It was only until he was almost killed by one of his own citizens did he realize the lies he had been living behind.
    It was just a day like any other in which Adli was strolling through his garden looking for lizards to catch. He found one, one he had never seen before with a bright blue tail, he jumped on it and the little lizard scurried over his arms before Adli jumped with the crack of a shot hitting the Earth two feet from his body. Guns were fired and his bodyguard and best friend Mujahid, dived in around Adli’s body for protection. He remembered the sickening jolt when the bullet hit his friend, and the apologetic look in his eyes as he fell to the ground. Adli looked up, speechless. The shooter was already overrun by other palace guards and dragged away to face his awaiting fate.
    Adli wanted to give up. He lied there in the sand looking up into the sun, where was Mujahid he wondered as he gazed up into the skies. The sand felt wet against his back and he wished for water. His hands burned with a raging rash that was spreading up his arms and his fever was rising.
    He learned his citizens were on the verge of dying; his supervisors had been taxing them profusely to help secure the kingdom with protection since the loss of the King. Financially, their civilization was in ruins and on top of it all a disease had struck his people, which apparently had been taking over neighboring kingdoms as well. People were breaking out in a rash starting on their hands which would then move across their entire bodies until it reached their throats causing suffocation. Adli knew it was just a matter of time before his people would begin to parish and he would join them.
    He turned his head at the sound of scurrying next to him. It was another blue-tailed lizard. The creature stuck his tongue out at Adli and scampered onto his hand, Adli quickly grabbed the lizard and brought it to his face. He looked at the little beast in a puzzled way, why was it that he never saw this lizard before and now he was seeing it again so recently from the first one he saw?
He released his grip and the small lizard’s tail fell off into Adli’s hand as the lizard ran off. Adli held the tail in his palm and in moment the rash on his hand began to subside. He gawked, and quickly rolled the tail up both arms and in his hands. Sure enough, the rash disappeared and he began to feel much better. A cure? He thought. No way, there’s a cure in the oils on the lizard’s blue tail!
Adli sat up, sitting in a quiet silence. He thought this was a sign, he had to go back, he had to save his people and lead his kingdom. Who cared that he was underage. He was the heir to the thrown; he could make the rules. He had to help his neighboring kingdoms because it was his duty. Adli looked up at the sky once more, he knew his parents were smiling, and Mujahid was standing strong, still protecting him.
Adli jumped up with a rage of energy and began running. He followed his footsteps home until he finally reached his palace doors completely exhilarated.
“Prince Adli! Your back! Where have you been? Everyone’s been searching for you.” A servant called as he quickly ushered Adli inside.
“Yes, I am back,” Adli replied, “and we have some work to do.”

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hyperlink Task

ok bear with me...what if there was only a cyber world in which we were run by the internet?? The internet alone was our governmenting system and because of its vastness it could constantly watch us and monitor what we say and do? Because the internet had become smart enough from the information we provided it in the first place, it eventually developed its on views and control on perfecting the human race? What would we do!!??? AHH!

Hyperlink Task

What if there was a world where there were no bullies and everything was always perfect? No one decieted or betrayed others because people didn't know how to. People did not know how to lie because it had never been discovered. Everything was just serious, true, and perfect, but then someone, one person discovers how to lie. Someone figures out and decides not to thell the truth. What would happen? Is deceit always inevitable?